Я использую эту. Работает и в 2002'м
(DEFUN C:XYZPOINT ( / fn ins f bm hi os format input read-point line plist ss)
; Is a utility for use with AutoCAD Release 10 or 11,
; which reads coordinate data from ASCII files in CDF or SDF format,
; and generates AutoCAD geometry using the incoming coordinate data.
; The XYZPOINT command will read coordinate data from an ASCII file,
; and generate either a continuous string of LINES, a POLYLINE, a
; 3DPOLYline, multiple copies of a selected group of objects, or
; AutoCAD POINT entities.
; Format:
; Command: XYZPOINT
; File to read: MYFILE.TXT <- ASCII input file
; Comma/Space delimited <Comma>: Comma <- data format
; Generate Copies/Lines/Nodes/3Dpoly/<Pline>: Nodes <- entity to create
; Reading coordinate data...
; If you selected "Copies", then XYZPOINT will prompt you to select the
; objects that are to be copied. The basepoint for all copies is the
; current UCS origin (0,0,0). One copy of the selected objects will be
; created for each incoming coordinate, and placed at each coordinate.
; A comma-delimited (CDF) ascii file contains one coordinate per line,
; with each component seperated by a comma, like this:
; -4.33,0.0,6.3
; 0.322,5.32,0.0
; etc....
; There should be no spaces or blank lines in a CDF coordinate data file.
; A space-delimited (SDF) ascii file contains one coordinate per line,
; with each component seperated by one or more spaces, like this:
; -4.33 0.0 6.3
; 0.322 5.32 0.0
; ...
; Coordinate data can be 2D or 3D.
; Note that all numeric values must have at least one digit to the left
; and the right of the decimal point (values less than one must have a
; leading 0), and a leading minus sign indicates negative values. This
; applys to both CDF and SDF formats.
; XYZPOINT can generate a continuous chain of LINE entities from your
; coordinate data, where each pair of adjacent lines share a coordinate
; from the file.
; XYZPOINT can also generate a polyline or 3DPOLYline from the coordinate
; data, where each point in the file becomes a vertice of the polyline.
; If the input file contains 3D coordinates, and you specify a polyline,
; then the Z component is ignored and the default of 0.0 is used.
; XYZPOINT will also COPY a selected group of objects, creating one copy
; for each incoming coordinate, and using the coordinate as the absolute
; copy displacement from the CURRENT UCS origin (0,0,0).
; Finally, XYZPOINT will generate AutoCAD POINT entities from the data in
; the file. Specify the point size and type prior to invoking XYZPOINT.
(DEFUN SDF (l) (READ (STRCAT "(" l ")")))
(DEFUN NOZ (p) (LIST (CAR p) (CADR p)))
(WHILE (EQ " " (SUBSTR s 1 1)) (SETQ s (SUBSTR s 2)))
(WHILE (EQ " " (SUBSTR s (STRLEN s))) (SETQ s (SUBSTR s 1 (1- (STRLEN s)))))
(COND ((EQ s "") NIL) (T s) )
; (SETQ fn "~") ; Имя файла по умолчанию
(SETQ fn (GETFILED "Список файлов для чтения" "" "*" 2))
(IF (AND fn (SETQ f (OPEN fn "r"))) ;Есть имя файла и он открыт
(INITGET "Пробел Запятая")
(SETQ format
((GETKWORD "\nРазделитель - Пробел/Запятая <Пробел>: "))
(T "Пробел")
(INITGET "Копии Линии Точки 3Мполилиния Полилинию")
(SETQ input
((GETKWORD "\nСоздавать - Копии/Линии/Точки/3Мполилиния/<Полилинию>: "))
(T "Полилинию")
'(("Линии" . "_.LINE") ("Копии" . "_.COPY")("Точки" . "_.POINT")
("Полилинию" . "_.PLINE")("3Мполилиния" . "_.3DPOLY"))
(SETQ read-point (COND ((EQ format "Запятая") CDF) (T SDF)))
(PRINC "\nЧтение координат...")
((SETQ line (STRTRIM line))
(SETQ line (READ-POINT line))
(SETQ plist
(APPEND plist
((EQ input "_.PLINE") (LIST (NOZ line)))
(T (LIST line))
(PRINC "\nЧтение координат закончено!")
((EQ input "_.POINT")
(COMMAND "_.POINT" "0,0,0" "_.COPY" (SETQ ss (ENTLAST)) "" "_M" "0,0,0")
((EQ input "_.COPY")
(PRINC "\nВыберите объекты для копирования:")
(PRINC "\nОбъекты не выбраны!")
(PRINC " Выберите объекты для копирования:")
(SETQ ins (GETPOINT "Укажите точку вставки копируемых объектов:"))
(COMMAND "_.COPY" ss "" "_M" ins)
(PRINC "\nНанесение точек закончено!")
);end PROGN
(PRINC "\nНе могу открыть файл для чтения координат.")
);end IF