ReDim MultiSetings(12)
MultiSetings(0) = PathToIni & "\plot.ini"
MultiSetings(1) = IniStringPrivate("plotconfig", "whatprint", MultiSetings(0))
MultiSetings(2) = IniStringPrivate("plotconfig", "printer", MultiSetings(0))
MultiSetings(3) = IniStringPrivate("plotconfig", "paperISO", MultiSetings(0))
'granithy MIN MultiSetings(4) MAX MultiSetings(5)
BoundingBoxMIN = ac.GetVariable("EXTMIN")
MultiSetings(4) = BoundingBoxMIN(0) & "_" & BoundingBoxMIN(1)
BoundingBoxMAX = ac.GetVariable("EXTMAX")
MultiSetings(5) = BoundingBoxMAX(0) & "_" & BoundingBoxMAX(1)
MultiSetings(4) = Replace(MultiSetings(4), ",", ".")
MultiSetings(4) = Replace(MultiSetings(4), "_", ",")
MultiSetings(5) = Replace(MultiSetings(5), ",", ".")
MultiSetings(5) = Replace(MultiSetings(5), "_", ",")
If BoundingBoxMAX(0) - BoundingBoxMIN(0) > BoundingBoxMAX(1) - BoundingBoxMIN(1) Then
MultiSetings(6) = "L"
MultiSetings(6) = "P"
End If
MultiSetings(7) = IniStringPrivate("plotconfig", "upsideDown", MultiSetings(0))
MultiSetings(8) = "1:" & CDbl(findSCALA(ac) / 1000)
PrintMessage ac, 90, MultiSetings(8) & "000> 1:"
strTemp = ac.Utility.getstring(False)
If strTemp = "" Then
If IsNumeric(strTemp) Then
MultiSetings(8) = "1:" & CDbl(strTemp / 1000)
PrintMessage ac, 92
End If
End If
MultiSetings(9) = IniStringPrivate("plotconfig", "offset", MultiSetings(0))
MultiSetings(10) = IniStringPrivate("plotconfig", "style", MultiSetings(0))
MultiSetings(11) = IniStringPrivate("plotconfig", "removeHiden", MultiSetings(0))
MultiSetings(12) = IniStringPrivate("plotconfig", "NumberOfCopyes", MultiSetings(0))
strTemp = MultiSetings(12)
'If strTemp < 1 Or IsNumeric(strTemp) = False Then j = 1 Else j = strTemp
If IsNumeric(strTemp) = False Then
j = 1
j = strTemp
If j < 1 Then j = 1
End If
PrintMessage ac, 91, MultiSetings(8) & "000. " & GetMessage(86) & " " & j & ". " & GetMessage(85) 'Scale is= MultiSetings(8) Number of copies J Do you want to plot? [Yes/No] <N>:
strTemp = Replace(ac.Utility.getstring(False), "/", "")
strTemp = Format(Left$(strTemp, 1 * Percent), "<")
If strTemp = "y" Then
SetVar ac, "nomutt", 1
intTemp = 0
Do While intTemp < j
' SendCmdEX ac, "-plot" & vbCr
' SendCmdEX ac, "Y" & vbCr
' SendCmdEX ac, "Model" & vbCr 'from ini
' SendCmdEX ac, "\\\Lexmark Z600 Series" & vbCr 'from ini
' SendCmdEX ac, "A4" & vbCr 'from ini
' SendCmdEX ac, "M" & vbCr
' SendCmdEX ac, "P" & vbCr 'from ini
' SendCmdEX ac, "Y" & vbCr 'from ini
' SendCmdEX ac, "W" & vbCr
' SendCmdEX ac, "0,0" & vbCr 'from DWG
' SendCmdEX ac, "700,1000" & vbCr 'from DWG
' SendCmdEX ac, "1:3" & vbCr 'from DWG
' SendCmdEX ac, "2,2" & vbCr 'from ini
' SendCmdEX ac, "Y" & vbCr
' SendCmdEX ac, "monochrome.ctb" & vbCr 'from ini
' SendCmdEX ac, "Y" & vbCr
' SendCmdEX ac, "N" & vbCr
' SendCmdEX ac, "N" & vbCr
' SendCmdEX ac, "N" & vbCr
' SendCmdEX ac, "Y" & vbCr
' GetCurrentFileName ac
' strTemp4 = GetCurrentFileName(ac, True) & ".ini "
' 'MsgBox GetCurrentFileName(ac) & ".ini "
SendCmdEX ac, "-plot" & vbCr
'Detailed plot configuration?
SendCmdEX ac, "Y" & vbCr
'Enter a layout name or [?] <Model>:
SendCmdEX ac, MultiSetings(1) & vbCr 'from ini
'Enter an output device name or [?]
SendCmdEX ac, MultiSetings(2) & vbCr 'from ini
'Enter paper size or [?] <A4>:
SendCmdEX ac, MultiSetings(3) & vbCr 'from ini
'Enter paper units [Inches/Millimeters] <Millimeters>:
SendCmdEX ac, "M" & vbCr
'Enter drawing orientation [Portrait/Landscape] <Portrait>:
'SendCmdEX ac, IniStringPrivate("plotconfig", "orientation", "c:\plot.ini") & vbCr 'from DWG
SendCmdEX ac, MultiSetings(6) & vbCr 'from DWG
'Plot upside down? [Yes/No] <No>:
SendCmdEX ac, MultiSetings(7) & vbCr 'from ini
'Enter plot area [Display/Extents/Limits/View/Window] <Window>:
SendCmdEX ac, "W" & vbCr
'Enter lower left corner of window <0.000000,0.000000>:
'SendCmdEX ac, IniStringPrivate("plotconfig", "x0y0", "c:\plot.ini") & vbCr 'from DWG
SendCmdEX ac, MultiSetings(4) & vbCr 'from DWG
'Enter upper right corner of window <700.000000,1000.000000>:
'SendCmdEX ac, IniStringPrivate("plotconfig", "x1y1", "c:\plot.ini") & vbCr 'from DWG
SendCmdEX ac, MultiSetings(5) & vbCr 'from DWG
'Enter plot scale (Plotted Millimeters=Drawing Units) or [Fit] <1=3>:
'SendCmdEX ac, IniStringPrivate("plotconfig", "scale", "c:\plot.ini") & vbCr 'from DWG
'SendCmdEX ac, CStr("1:" & findSCALA(ac)) & vbCr
SendCmdEX ac, MultiSetings(8) & vbCr
'Enter plot offset (x,y) or [Center] <2.00,2.00>:
SendCmdEX ac, MultiSetings(9) & vbCr 'from ini
'Plot with plot styles? [Yes/No] <Yes>:
SendCmdEX ac, "Y" & vbCr
'Enter plot style table name or [?] (enter . for none) <monochrome.ctb>:
SendCmdEX ac, MultiSetings(10) & vbCr 'from ini
'Plot with lineweights? [Yes/No] <Yes>:
SendCmdEX ac, "Y" & vbCr
'Remove hidden lines? [Yes/No] <No>:
SendCmdEX ac, MultiSetings(11) & vbCr
'Write the plot to a file [Yes/No] <N>:
SendCmdEX ac, "N" & vbCr
'Save changes to model tab [Yes/No]? <N>
SendCmdEX ac, "N" & vbCr
'Proceed with plot [Yes/No] <Y>: Y
SendCmdEX ac, "Y" & vbCr
intTemp = intTemp + 1
SetVar ac, "nomutt", 0
End If 'peceatati=y
End If