Тема: VBA и AutoCAD Architecture 2013

Уважаемые форумчане, помогите разобраться в следующей проблеме
Имеем -
ОС Windows 7(64), AutoCAD Architecture 2013
вот такой прог.код -

Dim prop As AecSchedulePropertySet
Dim count As Integer
Dim sh As AecScheduleApplication
Set sh = New AecScheduleApplication
count = 0
For Each Object In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
If TypeOf Object Is AecSpace Then
count = count + 1
Set ps = sh.PropertySets(Object).Item("ПОМЕЩЕНИЕ")
If ps.Properties.Item("Функ_зона").Value = "Зона спортзала" Then
Object.color = 111
End If
End If
MsgBox ("end")
End Sub

при запуске спотыкается на строке Set sh = New AecScheduleApplication
ошибка '429' ActiveX component can't create object
Библиотека AecXShedule подгружена

Тот же самый код на ОС WindowsXP(32), AutoCAD Architecture 2013 выполнялся без проблем.
Очень прошу помочь разобраться

Re: VBA и AutoCAD Architecture 2013

Посмотри здесь
http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?1 … ost1173578
или цитирую

I think i'm off the starting block. I found this:

The VBA application object is not supported on 64-bit operating systems.
As a result the following code fragments will not work, even though they do on 32-bit installations:

'Case 1: Built-in app object
MsgBox AecArchBaseApplication.Caption 

'Case 2: New app object
Dim acaApp As New AecArchBaseApplication
acaApp.Init ThisDrawing.Application
MsgBox acaApp.Caption

'Instead, instantiate the application object as follows: 
Dim acaApp As AecArchBaseApplication
Set acaApp = ThisDrawing.Application.GetInterfaceObject("AecX.AecArchBaseApplication.5.7")
acaApp.Init ThisDrawing.Application
MsgBox acaApp.Caption
'So I think 64 bit is the issue.